Kasia (#869) 05-22-15

This was the second stop, being followed by a Sarasota Herald Tribune reporter. We began to walk by the Whole Foods outdoor eating area when I saw Kasia and made an immediate about-face. As I explained our mission, she began smiling – she 'got it.' I asked if anyone ever misspelled her name - “Oh yeah. Some people confuse it with the cereal.”

It's Polish. Kasia was born in Krakow and moved to the U.S. At age six. She has no accent. Her parents also live in the U.S. And have plenty of accent. Most of the rest of her family is in Poland. She visits occasionally and misses the homeland. Still, she likes Sarasota except for the heat. Join the club.

Kasia works in sales for ATT.

“Oh, are you the one who spams my e-mail, or the one who cold calls me at suppertime?”

“No, I don't do those things. I am in direct customer sales.”

At least she didn't get offended.

I showed her this shot on the camera LCD and asked if she'd prefer one without the cigarette. “No, I'm a smoker. That's who I am.” We are now Facebook friends.
