Cameron and Paris (#836) 04-16-15

Cameron and Paris were having a bite in front of Whole Foods. I tend to check this location in the mornings, when the building shades the outdoor tables. In the afternoon, the tables are in bright sunlight, and the area is unusable (for me).

Cameron is from Michigan. Half of Sarasota County is from Michigan. He works at Tommy Bahamas on St. Armands Key. It's a beautiful location, but 'in season' (like now) the drive to get there can be beastly. He lives off Fruitville Rd., probably 6-7 miles from work. But at times it has taken him an hour to get home. We shared bad 'St. Armand's Circle' stories. We each have had the experience of getting onto the circle and not being able to get off. I cannot imagine negotiating the circle around the Arch of Triumph in Paris.

And speaking of Paris, that's actually her middle name; She was not anxious to share her first name. Amazingly she is not from Michigan, but Lakeland, FL. The tattoo on her forearm caught my eye. It is in honor of her two little sisters: one's middle name is Love, and the other is Moon. Very creative.

They liked the images, and I have sent them along.
