Harry and Brendon (#835) 04-15-15

One end of the Farmer's Market was blocked by a kiosk with the sign, “Urbanite Theatre.” Sarasota is proud of its artsy tradition, with numerous theaters, galleries, music venues, etc. I had not heard of the Urbanite Theatre. I guess that's because it's brand new. The first performance was the night before.

Urbanite Theatre is Harry's brainchild. It is minute, seating between 50 and 60, depending on the performance and stage arrangement. Brendon explained that the cast is professional, all are paid. The plays selected are intimate and cover controversial topics – this may not be for everyone. But with that tiny seating, it doesn't have to be for everyone. Tickets are $20. Harry said that about half the expenses will (hopefully) be covered by tickets, and the other half by donations.

The physical facility has a funky look – which I did not think to photograph :-(. Brendon is the director of the second play.

The first play is Chicken Soup, and I will see it tomorrow evening. Good luck, Harry and Brendon, this looks interesting!

As an aside, I added Brendon to my Flickr Photostream a couple of days ago. Two viewers noticed that his eyes were different tones. This was partly due to some side lighting, but my processing accentuated it. I have corrected it (I hope) in this image.
