Randy (#816) 03-21-15

About 8:30AM, Randy was struggling to walk down the sidewalk. His left foot was in a cast, and the right foot bandaged. Finally he sat on the curb where I met, and photographed, him.

Randy Is originally from Illinois. He was working on a construction site north of Tampa. He went with a few friends to party in Tampa at night. He woke up in an emergency room, something had run over his foot while he was sleeping, six weeks ago.

“While you were sleeping? Didn't you wake up?”

“Well, I had a few drinks.”

I guess!

“Actually it was about half a quart of vodka. Something ran over my foot and took my boots. My boots were gone.”

Orthopedic pins and a plate were used to repair his left foot. I have to admit, the foot looks pretty ugly.

While in Sarasota, someone stole his wheelchair. He wants to get to a hospital today to get another wheelchair. I'm not sure how that will work.
