Peter (#808) 03-13-15

Peter is a watercolor artist. I first saw him painting on a small canvas, on an easel, on the sidewalk in downtown Sarasota. He seemed to be painting an urban landscape. I thought of talking to him, but there were earbuds in both ears – he was listening to music on his phone. So I left.

The next day, there he was about a block away. This time the canvas was larger. The buds were still in, but what the heck, I just disturbed him. Peter was friendly and talkative. He has lived in San Diego and the Seattle area. For the past 11 years, he has had a house in Maine for the summers and one in Ft. Lauderdale in the winters. Therefore, he has lived in all four corners of the continent. He has a good friend in Sarasota, and spends a few days here two or three times per year. And, he paints.

From where we stood, my standard coffee shop, Pastry Art, was only ½ block away and across the street. I commissioned Peter to paint a small “portrait” of Pastry Art. Once painted, he can make prints for business cards, greeting cards, or other accessories. At the moment, he was painting a bar, the Gator Club, and planned to offer it for sale to the owner (the owner bought it). Hopefully he'll do my painting on his next trip here in early April.

As we spoke, the Gator Club picture was just a pencil sketch with no color. I said that I'd return in a couple of hours to get a shot of the painting, over his shoulder. When I did, he was again plugged in. I got the shot without his knowledge (I think).
