Tim (#809) 03-14-15

Tim was having a drink at one of my favorite light locations, Smokin' Joe's Bar. His tongue was nicely lubricated, so we had a good chat. He was born in Sarasota in 1952 – not many natives left. Several of his classmates remain in the area, including the local optometrist, funeral director, and Paul Reubens (Google him). After finishing at Sarasota High School, he attended the University of Florida School of Journalism. It is always highly rated. Then he worked at the Sarasota Herald Tribune, in the advertising department. His father had held the same position for 35 years.

Tim retired a few years ago and worked at the family motel on Lido beach for three years. Now he's really retired. While at the U of F he did some photojournalism. Tim won an award for one series, including an old lady clutching a racing card at a dog racing track. One of his high moments.

Now Tim lives downtown and is living the good life. He even gave up his car – saves 5k on payments and insurance.
