Andrew and Amy (#807) 03-13-15

Andrew and Amy were visiting Sarasota, from Tampa. They met during high school in the San Francisco area. Now, Andrew is working on his Ph.D. In philosophy at the University of South Florida. I asked why he chose to travel 3,000 miles to study philosophy. “The University of South Florida has one of the top philosophy programs in the nation.” Who knew?

I liked his tee shirt. So I asked what he hoped to be doing in 10 years. “Teaching philosophy.” I asked if all philosophy Ph.D.s wanted to do that. He assured me that many went into industry or other areas. Then he surprised me by turning it around and asking what I wanted to be doing in 10 years. Touche'! He caught me off guard, when I finally said, “I just want to be alive in 10 years.”

Amy works for the American Automobile Association (AAA). Basically, she's putting Andrew through school. I asked if she wanted to be working for AAA in 10 years. Absolutely not, she wants out. Her goal is to be a novelist; she will self publish her first one this summer. And there will be an e-book version. I gave her my e-mail address and MOO card, and asked her to send me the Amazon link when it is available.
