Amanda (#777) 02-01-15

Sitting in front of my favorite coffee shop were Amanda and her male friend. I forget his name. Aarrrggg! That's what happens when you refuse to be photographed, your name is instantly forgotten. Ironically, as I explained the project, he seemed more positive, while Amanda was shy and reluctant. I showed her my photostream and asked if she was familiar with Flickr. She said that it was sort of like Photobucket. Close enough.

She is from Sebring, FL. I said that you don't meet too many folks from Sebring, andshe agreed. I said that I have a nephew from Frostproof, and I thought that it was close to Sebring. Amanda said that it was about an hour away, not THAT close.

Amanda is a Speech Therapist at Memorial Hospital, in Sarasota. She has been there for nine months and loves it. I told her that I was familiar with speech problems with Parkinson's Disease, and she treats such patients. Often the drink with a straw due to swallowing difficulties. She was trained at the University of Central Florida, in Orlando. In less than 40 years it has grown the student body to over 60,000!
