Khristina (#778) 02-02-15

I saw Khristina on the other side of main St. She was sitting on the sidewalk with her back resting on a wall. She seemed out of place. The location and posture was that of a homeless person. But even from a distance, her hair seemed professionally managed. However, as I approached I saw that she was holding a cardboard sign, an icon of the homeless. It said, “Stranded, Please Help. God Bless.”

Khristina is from New York, Manhattan no less. She came to southwest Florida with her boyfriend, but he cheated on her and they split up. She is broke, and trying to get bus fare back to New York. Currently she is staying in the Salvation Army shelter at $7/night. I said that New your was an expensive place to live. Khristina responded that she had been a waitress and could easily get a similar job again. She has a friend to live with.

So, I misjudged a homeless person. They come in all shapes and sizes. Each story is different.
