Dale (#766) 01-20-15

At a motorcycle rally, of course I wanted to meet a couple of typical Harley types. I think that Dale fits. He was standing alone, appearing contented, during a lull in the deafening noise. He was affable and happy to be included in the 100 Strangers project.

Dale is from Clearwater, FL. He has five motorcycles, his wife two. Oh, and a dog. A bulldog who rates a trailor, towed behind Dales Bike. I checked it out, pretty neat. It is well padded and a suitable space for any pampered bulldog. When a puppy, he jumped onto Dale, breaking two ribs. Dale's. And Dale is proud of that.

Dale works for a towing company, this is his forth year at Thunder by the Bay. But he has been at the Daytona rally for 21 years. I guess he likes it. While we spoke, his wife, Daisy, and the dog approached. Daisy had no interest in being photographed, and I'm sorry to say that I did not write down the dog's name. He has a face that even a mother might have second thoughts about. But not Dale.
