Heather and Kaleen (#706) 11-16-14

Kaleen and Heather were sitting on the grass in a downtown park. It was late afternoon. I seldom photograph in that location because the sunlight is harsh, but at this time of day, it seemed useable. Both were anxious to be photographed, but reticent to say much more. I hope that I spelled Kaleen correctly, I forget if there is a 'Y' or not. Heather was playing a guitar. She is a Venice High School graduate, but 'several' years after me.



Heather said that the light should be good for portraits, and pointed to a tall bright building that was reflecting light. I said, “Whoa, most people wouldn't notice that.” She has photographed a couple of friend's weddings, “Very high stress.” :-)



Both liked their images and took my card. They might ask for the photos after they see them online.
