Roy (#707) 11-17-14

Dr. Roy Truby, Ed D., has been commissioner of Education in Idaho and West Virginia. And I met him at my favorite outdoor bar, smoking his weekly cigar. It is my favorite bar for photography, not imbibing. It seemed like an unlikely place to meet an educator.

Roy also served as superintendent of Schools in a region of South Carolina including Greenville. I told him that years ago, the Superintendent of Schools in Lee County (Ft. Myers) was murdered in his office bu a disgruntled parent. Roy nodded knowingly. His area in South Carolina included Bob Jones University (EXTREMELY conservative) and the French-owned Michelin factory, with a decidedly liberal flavor. When the School Board had to formulate a sex education policy, Roy occasionally had police protection. More about Roy is HERE.

I forget how we segued into his son, but he told me to Google Mark Truby. I did. He's the Vice President of Ford Motor Company Europe. Executives in Europe have perks not available in America. Besides a substantial salary (no doubt with stock options), he gets a palatial house with domestic help, cars (no surprise) a virtually unlimited travel budget, etc. His living quarters are free and he still owns his two homes in Detroit – not sure how great that is. More about Mark Truby is HERE.
