If this title sounds a bit heavy, that’s because it is.
The below TED talk is a VERY inspirational account of how a blind, severely
autistic boy (Derek Paravicini) and acquired almost unbelievable musical
skills. This required the patient nurturing of a nanny, and musical tutoring by
a piano teacher, Adam Ockelford. The story is moving, and Derek’s music is
sensational. I hope that you’ll take the ~16 minutes to experience the story.
What a gift Derek has, and what a gift he has given the
world. So, this leads to the following quote by Pablo Picasso:
“The meaning of life is to find your
gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”
So poignant. It is easy to see the
gift that Derek has given us. But what about his teacher, Adam? Imagine the
difficulty in mentoring an autistic man. How easily Derek’s talents could have
gone unexperienced without Adam’s commitment.
There is a takeaway for all of us.
When art is produced, it should be shared. Images forever locked onto a hard
drive help no one. We should all strive to share them in as many ways as