Brenda (#276) 04-19-13

Downtown Ft. Myers has had somewhat of a rebirth. A several block area has streets redone with pavers, and lined by numerous retail shops and eateries. Pedestrian traffic is substantial, and First St. Is the epicenter.

Blake Hair Style is a First St. establishment. As I approached, Brenda was on break and passing time on the sidewalk. I was impressed by her Medusa hair and told her so (Admittedly, I did not use the term Medusa hair). She was a bit standoffish, but did allow the portrait. Immediately after clicking, she excused herself and stepped back inside Blake Hair Style

Usually I like dark backgrounds, so that the brighter face can stand out. Brenda, however, cried out for a bright background so that all of her hair would be easily visible. I considered this as I photographed, but also modified the post processing a bit. Using Control Points in Nik Silver Efex Pro II, I brightened the background without affecting the hair. And then, I sharpened a bit more than I usually do.
