Casey (#239) 03-09-13

This image is from the archives, late 2011. An Art and Craft festival was two blocks from my home. Nice.

I had to notice a petite young lady with a not-so-petite Nikon D700. WITH an extra battery grip. I don't recall the lens, but it had a substantial presence. She was speaking to a young couple with a small child, so I waited my turn. And waited. I think that she was arranging a family photo session; she was (is) a pro photographer. Her website is HERE.

After several minutes I looked away for an instant, and she was gone! But I soon saw her sitting on the adjacent grass eating some generic art festival food of dubious nutritional value. I introduced myself and explained my project. She was a bit interested and very sympathetic, so she immediately picked up the camera as a pose. Good enough!

 I liked this image, but kept cropping closer and closer. I think that this is MUCH stronger.

This encounter was MANY strangers ago. And this was the beginning of my very close and unconventional cropping. Less is more. Why show the entire camera and lens? From what is in the frame, you know what it is! It's interesting when the mind has to fill in the blanks.
