From my beginning in portraiture of strangers, I have been obsessed with eyes. In Craig Tanner's Street Portraiture workshop, our first assignment was 'Live Eyes, Dead Eyes', demonstrating the importance of catchlights in bringing 'life' to the subject, and I take pride in doing this. We've all heard the the eyes are the window to the soul. To a point, I believe it.
Professional photographer, Steve McCurry, is the master of exposing the soul, in my opinion. Who can forget the Afghan Girl? See her HERE.
His recent blog post is entitled "Eloquence of The EYE". Need I say more? As always, his interpretation of people as shown through portraiture is unsurpassed. I was happy to see a very short video clip with Steve McCurry speaking; he comes across as a soft spoken, humble man. And a McCurry quote, "If you wait, people will forget your camera and the soul will drift up into view" What great advice. Just the personality to draw the best out of portrait subjects. Here's the clip.
After viewing the blog post, I left this comment, "I have a dream that I win a contest, and the prize is a 2 hour, leisurely lunch with the photographer of my choice. Steve McCurry, hands down." The blog post is HERE.