Matthew (#166 ) 12-17-12

While visiting the City Market area of Savannah, I stepped inside of a building dedicated to artist’s galleries. The galleries were tiny: some were unoccupied and others had artist’s working. On the ground floor was the photography store of Matthew Probst. I spoke with him, and bought a copy of his photobook, Savannah Perspectives. See his website HERE.

Originally from North Carolina, Matthew received a degree from UNC Greensboro, and an MFA from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. After moving to Savannah, he has worked as a free lance photographer, and of course, published his book.

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And this is Matthew signing my book.

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I seldom photograph people indoors, but I thought that there was enough light to get a sharp shot. Wrong! I had to pump the ISO to 1000, which becomes quite noisy for a Nikon D90. Even at that, at f2.8 the shutter speed was 1/90 sec. with an 85mm lens. A couple of shots are acceptable (I think), but overall I am disappointed with the IQ. If I ever go to a full frame camera, this will be the reason.
