Bob and Heather (#812) 03-17-15

This was kind of an offbeat encounter, and they kept me a bit off balance. They were having a snack outdoors. When I introduced myself, The young man said, “I'm Bob.”

“Oh, your Bob Too?”

“Yep, I'm Bob.”

“Most people your age remain 'Robert'. Folks my age are 'Bob'”

“Well, my father was Robert, so I'm Bob.”

Bob (that Bob) is a Sarasota native. He works at Whole Foods, a couple of blocks away.

The lady stuck out her hand and said, “Hi. I'm Bob.”

“You're Bob too?”

“Yeah. Bob is short for Heather.”

“I guess your father was Heather too.”

“Yep, Heather.”

HeatherBob said that she's from Sarasota-ish, “I'm from 'Around.'” She was wearing sunglasses and had a hard time not squinting when they came off.

They seemed to like the images, but they were so offbeat that it was hard to tell. Bob (the guy) gave me his e-mail address, which was an unusual combination of letters. He said that it meant “He who speaks the truth” in Surinam. I could not confirm that.

Bob (THIS Bob)