Steve (#774) 01-29-15

Steve is from Chicago. When I told him that I was from Venice (FL), he said “Ugh!” and pointed to his hat. “That says “Vienna, not Venice.” He shrugged.

Steve was sitting at an outdoor bar at 10AM, sipping a brew. When I saw the light in his eyes (I always look), I just had to get a portrait. When I asked, Steve said,

“I look like a bum with the beard.”

“A lot of men have beards.”

“Yeah, but it's just not me.”

“Then why didn't you shave?”

“I was with a woman for three days, that's why. And the....”

Let's just say that Steve's expectations were not met. He had been drinking with the woman the previous night, and needed the beer now to clear his head. He does tile and marble work. I said that building was picking up, and that work should be easier to find. Steve said, “I'm 62 now, and getting a Social Security check. I just can't get into looking for work.”
