Sue (#604) 05-29-14

I love coffee shops. And I REALLY love coffee shops with neat names – double entendres. So while at a marina, I was infatuated by the coffee shop called “Run Agrounds.” How appropriate is that? Here's the logo.

One look at Sue, the Barista, and I had to have the portrait. And she was all for it! I was thinking color, but the lighting was mixed fluorescent, incandescent, and natural window light. Forget it, the white balance was way too complicated.

Sue is from Rhode Island, and moved to Cape Coral seven years ago. She loves it, especially the nearby beaches. But Sue doesn't get to the beach too often, she works “Pretty much all the time.” She has one son and Grand kids who keep her busy.

“What do you tell your friends back in Rhode Island?”

“C'mon down!”

They don't.
