Alaina (#672) 10-14-14

Yep, outdoors at the coffee shop again. I should have a chair with my name on it. Several tables away was a head of glorious red hair, seen only from behind. I considered meeting her when a friend unexpectedly arrived and sat down for a chat. After 15 minutes the red hair was still there, God's not-so-subtle message that I should get to work. So I excused myself and met Alaina.

She was VERY interested in the project and asked for my card. She goes around taking pictures of kids – with her cell phone. I can't imagine being quick enough with a cell phone for that. When I brought the camera to my eye, Alaina immediately assumed this pose with no prompting by me.

Alaina is an artsy design person. Her Facebook page is HERE:

Currently she works at Trader Joe's (a food store), but she is looking for an opportunity in furniture recovery and design.
