After introducing myself to several hundred strangers and getting their photographs, this was a unique interaction. I saw Iris and her male companion a block away, heading toward me. The most striking thing about them is that there was at a foot difference in height. So I waited...
And as they approached, I asked for a favor etc., alternately looking each one of them in the eye. I got half way through my spiel and the man began to smile. So I said, "ah, you see where this is going" and continued my request. To my surprise, he said no. But Iris just looked like she didn't agree. I pointed at Iris and said, "Look, she'll do it". But no dice, so they walked on.
I chatted with two other photographers with me when suddenly, there was Iris. She said that she didn't mind, so quickly got a few shots. I saw her friend 50 feet away – I smiled and waved. He looked none too pleased. Quickly, she RAN back to him and they continued on.
Iris knows who looks good in pictures!