Karen and Gracie (#344) 07-06-13

I saw Karen reading, in front of a Starbucks. For once, I was not the one drinking coffee. When I approached and asked the question, she smiled, rolled her eyes, and said that she was not photogenic. Yeah, yeah. But she did not resist. I think that she knew better.

She and Gracie were visiting Naples, FL, from Ft. Lauderdale (aka Ft. Liquordale). Nevertheless, Gracie is a Maltese, and a "perfect dog". When she said that, I said, "If you do say so yourself". Simultaneously, she said, "If I do say so myself". We got a good laugh out of that.

Then some children passed with a dog; Gracie looked and panted, but did not bark. "She never barks", assured Karen. So I pulled the camera to my eye and called, "Gracie!" Darn if she didn't stop and look right at me for four or five seconds.

My only regret is that Gacie's wooly hair around her eyes precluded catchlights. But she's still perfect.
