Eric (#301) 05-16-13

The Kentucky Derby on Saturday, and then Cinco de Mayo on Sunday – what a weekend! During the Race on Saturday, Barbara and I ate at Ford's Garage in Ft. Myers. We each played a restaurant game, guessing which horse would win, etc. Barbara guessed the horse that placed, and won a $10 gift certificate! We would be leaving in two days, so on the afternoon of Cinco de Mayo, we went back to Ford's for a desert.

Now after that preamble, I went stranger hunting early that evening. Not too difficult to find strangers on Cinco de Mayo. And some were stranger than others. My eye was caught by a young man wearing an Ivy Cap, but he was walking away, on a cross street. A few minutes later, there he was, heading my way. When I feel that divine providence has intervened, it is imperative that I act. So I approached him and asked for a portrait. He was eager.

Eric moved from New Hampshire within the past year. He now works in the kitchen at Ford's Garage. When I explained that Barbara and I had eaten a desert there a couple of hours ago, he immediately asked what time, and what we each had. Eric beamed, and said that he had prepared Barbara's dish. He loves working there, as do most of the employees. I felt that while eating. The restaurant feels like one big party, and the workers are participants.

Eric needed to connect, was in no hurry to end the conversation. Clearly, he got as much out of the encounter as I. Nice.

And, I like his cool cap.​
