I was coffee hunting in the Ft. Myers Historical District. A Starbucks was prominant, but next door was an establishment with a provocative name, A Lush Bakery.
I liked the name and the logo on the door. It was primarily a bakery; coffee was an afterthought, but that's where I stopped, anyway. A side benefit was a small adjoining courtyard with several tables and chairs.
While happily sipping, I heard someone behind me, pulling up a chair. When I saw Carl, I was immediately attracted to his unusual (to me) hairstyle. I told Carl so, and explained my stranger portrait hobby. With that hair, I was sure that he would be anxious to be photographed. Not so. He slowly agreed, but did not seem to buy into the idea.
When done, I showed him an image on the LCD and offered to send him a copy. He rather abruptly declined and walked inside. Carl was an employee of A Lush Bakery.
Back to my coffee...