I saw Steve sitting on the steps in front of a library. His long hair and rugged look meant that I just had to try for a photograph. The background building eas all an off-white, and I usually eschew light backgrounds. But this would be different – maybe the Richard Avedon look! I wish.
As I approached, he was scrolling on a cell phone. When I explained my project, he was happy to oblige. He has lived in Sarasota for over 30 years and LOVES it. But it is getting more crowded, and his goal is to live on a boat in St. Croix. He has lived on a boat before, so Steve knows what that life entails. Less than two years ago while aboard his boat, he was hit by a large commercial vessel. The boat was totaled and he sustained serious back injuries. He feels lucky that the offending vessel is owned by a large company that is well insured. There is an insurance settlement date of July 2, so Steve is patiently waiting, currently homeless. He is very optimistic with a great attitude.
Before living in Sarasota, he lived for a short time in Ft. Lauderdale, but was born and raised in new York City. And he sounds like Noo Yawk. In fact he was born in a hospital in the town of Bayshore, the same hospital that my sister was born in, two years earlier. Small world.
Steve's brother still lives on long Island, and Steve is very up to date on the damage caused by Superstorm Sandy, four months ago. He showed me a slide show on his phone, of his brother's 35 foot boat sitting on dry land, several blocks from where it had been moored. What a mess.
Thank you, Steve, for allowing me to photograph you. Good luck with your insurance settlement.