My wife and I walked down market St., a main thoroughfare
in downtown St. Louis. It was about 4PM with a moderate number of pedestrians
in the park that splits Market St. From behind, I could sense more than see,
someone running towards us. This young fellow, slightly out of breath, asked if
I could help him. He needed a few dollars before 5PM to get his car out of a
for-pay parking lot, or it would be locked up for the night. I was a bit
surprised as I had never been approached like that when my wife was present. I
was very skeptical about the story, but am prepared for such an eventuality.
I said, “I can help, but I’d like a favor from you in
return.” Then I explained the 100 Strangers project. He brightened up and said,
“Sure, no problem.” I keep a few dollars in a compartment in my pocket, so that
I can retrieve it without pulling out my wallet. So, I gave him the money
before photographing him. In a VERY brief encounter, I think that this builds a
teeny bit of trust, and results in a more authentic portrait. After receiving
the money, he was more than happy to pose for a minute.