I was sitting on a bench in Ft. Myers on Halloween when I saw a tall gangly fellow quickly walking my way. AQs he approached he asked if I could loan him a dollar, so he could return to nearby Cape Coral. I have often been asked for money, but never one dollar J. I said that I’d make a deal, and explained my project. He said no problem, and sat next to me, jabbering away.
Mary, his girlfriend, had asked him to buy as much Halloween party materials as he could, so he spent $95. She was furious that he spent so much, so he continued to tell me his problems for several minutes. I am not quoting him, as the F word was used liberally, in all parts of speech. And, with passion. I was glad that we were in a public location in broad daylight, as it was difficult to judge his emotions.
Finally I got to the photography part, and Dave just naturally assumed a few interesting gestures. Thanks, Dave!
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I prefer the second, less classic composition. It reflects the slight tension that I felt.