Tommy (#901) 06-22-15

Tommy was sitting on a public bench in City Market, Savannah. I walked around a bit to envision a shot that would put his white hair against a dark background. Finding what I liked, I approached him, explained the project and asked permission for a portrait. His eyes drilled through me as he thought about it. Tommy looked to his side as if a friend would advise him. Finally he said, “OK, for a dollar.” Every man has his price; Tommy's price is $1.

I explained hot his hair would 'pop' against the background, but he seemed unimpressed. When I showed him the pics, he shrugged. Struggling, I said, “I could remove those scabs in Photoshop.” Tommy laughed and said “I got that when I fell on concrete.”

“Oh, bet that bled a lot.”

“Yeah, hurt like hell too. Tripped over a curb.”

“Were any alcoholic beverages involved?”

“Oh, yeah. OHHH Yeah!”
