Julia (#880) 06-01-15

As I sat outside of the coffee shop, Pastry Art, Julia walked in. Her look was so compelling that I dared not miss her leaving, so I went inside and intercepted her. As she waited for a latte, I explained my intention, and she was game. I told her that I would wait outside.

As she emerged, there was the latte in one hand and a pastry in the other. After a brief conversation I asked her to stand in the doorway, which I propped open with my foot as I shot. I asked her to remove the sunglasses, but her hands were occupied; I reached up and removed them. After photographing, I carefully put them back on.

Julia moved to Sarasota at age 11. She graduated from Booker High, a school specializing in the arts.

“Are you an artist?”

“Yep, musician.”

She sings and plays guitar. Bar tending is her 'day job'.

“I worked for seven years at the Gator Club, and seven years at the Five O'clock Club.”

“Wait a minute, that's too many years. You're not that old.”

“I started earlier than I should have, working in clubs.”

“Well, at least you never consumed alcoholic beverages there.”

“Oh no (eyes looking up).”
