Another accommodating potential stranger sitting in a perfect spot. Thank you God! And Ryan instantly understood the project and was very willing.
Ryan was born in Germany, but on a U.S. Military base, so he has no accent. As an army 'brat' his formative years were spent in several locations, including time in Virginia and Maryland. But his main memories are of Columbus Ga, when his father was stationed in Ft. Benning. His father now lives in Orlando, and his mother in Bradenton.
Ryan is a chef at the local Ritz Carlton resort. He likes the job and is appreciative of the opportunity. But his goal (soon) is to head to Los Angeles. He wants to be a film director. Since age 10 he has been involved in amateur film production. And he thinks that his quality time with Ritz Carlton will serve him well. Ryan works with quality people and has developed a background in logistics, useful for a director. He is well aware that many wanabees in L.A. Don't make it, but it is a dream; “I have to give it a shot.”