Anne (#858) 05-11-15

Anne was seated, awaiting lunch. The small outdoor table was against a window and surrounded by ivy. The slight indentation was in shade, but with light reflecting from across the street. I liked the image. When she saw it, she remarked, “Oh, the light is nice.” Immediately said, “Ah, you're an artist of some type.” Almost everyone who likes an image comments on the camera. Commenting on light is the mark of an artist. In this case, a professional photographer no less.

Much of her work is underwater.

“Where might I see your work?”

“Many places, including national Geographic.”

“I've heard of it!”

Her site is here: The galleries remind me that the best work involves making simple compositions in a complex world. Beautiful. Suddenly I said, “Wait, you must know Steve McCurry.” She does, and confirmed that he is a soft spoken gentleman, just as I had thought. I don't have a bucket list, but if I did, lunch with Steve McCurry would be near the top.

Anne was originally from Boston, but has hailed from New York for many years. As the site shows, she is a lady of the world. Anne visits Sarasota occasionally, to visit friends. She was pleasant answering questions, but offered little spontaneously. A couple of days later I read about the funeral of Dr. Eugenie Clark, world renown as “The Shark Lady.” I suspect that was why Anne was in Sarasota.

She liked the project, “How fun!” I sent her pictures and got a pleasant reply.
