I watched A******* enter the coffee shop. She had long, straight hair and wore an ankle length white dress. I had to meet her. A few minutes later she emerged with Shane, and each had a handful of food. I waited until they were settled and ensconced in their chairs before making my move.
Shane was immediately interested, while A******* was a bit more cautious. Shane was interested in my Olympus camera. He recently purchased a Canon 6D, full frame DSLR, but was also interested in smaller gear. I showed him the OM-D E-M5 and had him look “through” the digital viewfinder. He immediately saw the difference between it and an optical viewfinder. He uses Lightroom and looks forward to learning how to make local adjustments.
A******* looked uneasy. I asked if Shane photographed her and her (large) eyes. She said, not much. She had done some modeling in the past, but was still quite shy and private. She teaches 2nd grade. A******* insisted that Shane be photographed first. As soon as I got the first click of A*******, I knew that the shot was a winner. I gave each of them a card.