Joe (#933) 10-20-15

When walking past Starbuck's (no coffee this time!), Joe was enjoying his cup of, well, Joe. When I explained the project, he had no reservations.

Joe is an engineer working for the army – as a civilian. He has degrees in industrial and mechanical engineering, but now writes software. That seems to be the common pinnacle for so many careers. Well educated, he has degrees from the University of Central Florida, and Texas A & M. Plus he has studied at FSU, the arch enemy of Florida Gators like me.

“What is the best thing that has happened to you today?”

Sitting here with this cup of coffee.” (It was about 3PM.)

“Gee, you've had a pretty dull day.”

“I spent all morning mowing the grass and cleaning the house. A few minutes alone with a good cup of coffee is definitely the high point.”

Sometimes the simplest things in life are the best.

Thank you, Joe, for allowing me to photograph you for my ongoing portrait project.
