Denise (#682) 10-24-14

Denise was sitting at an outside table, checking her phone for messages, in St Petersburg. She looked so relaxed and comfortable that I figured I might as well disturb her. She was a bit surprised and suspicious, until she saw my Photostream on my phone. Then she was on board.

She works in a nearby office. The job is challenging and she loves her co-workers, but it is busy and slightly stressful. So every day Denise tries to get a break outside, for at least 10 minutes, that's how long it takes to make the day's worth of vitamin D.

She loved this image and immediately wanted a copy. She gave me this long, convoluted e-mail address that included the word 'greyhound.” Si I asked what that was all about. Denise now lives in an apartment, and regrettably cannot have a dog. But in the past, she has adopted greyhounds following their racing career. Greyhounds are finished racing at five years old, and live to an average of twelve. Denise says that they are absolutely loveable. Greyhounds are the second fastest mammals, only the cheetah is faster.

She wanted this picture soon, for her boyfriend. Hence, this image and write-up broke into the head of the queue.
