I had just gotten out of the car with camera in hand when Tom and Sue came walking my way. Fortunately we were on the side of the street with good light. Approaching strangers does not come naturally to me, so I have to sort of psych myself up before leaving the car. Then, the best medicine is to approach someone fairly soon. Being rejected is better than not asking at all – passing opportunities is contagious. When I talk myself out of asking someone, it becomes easy to continue finding excuses. Better to dive right in and get started.
So I approached Tom and Sue and asked my question. They seemed surprised, but Tom shrugged and said, "Why not?"
As a lover of sharp eyes, I am slightly disappointed when a person squints. But the light was not too bright or harsh; Sue later stood in the same spot.
Some people just naturally have a squint, and that's just the way it is. I should not complain, as I personally would pose another problem to a photographer. People like me with deep set eyes don't easily get sufficient light in the eyes to get good catchlights. Just an anatomic variation.
Anyway, they asked what I do with the images. I showed them my phone with the flickr photostream. Then Sue asked that I not put her head onto a nude body. Yes, the public is well aware of Photoshop trickery.
Sure enough, the rest of the morning's shoot went well, having approached people right away.