The Photography of Carlos Ferreira (#253) 03-24-13

A little housekeeping: I hope to be traveling intermittently over the spring and early summer. Posting to this blog may get a little less frequent, pending Internet access, etc. My goal will be to maintain at least four entries per week, but not necessarily on a specific daily schedule.

Having said that, I came across something that I wold like to pass along in a rare Sunday post. Carlos Ferreira posted a message on Google+ that I find interesting. He does what is usually called 'Street Photography', although he does not like that term. His recent blog post is named "Street Photography:a Personal Reflection", and can be seen HERE. 

Like most street photographers, Carlos does not necessarily ask permission of individual people. Instead, he is the 'fly on the wall', photographing people in the context of their environment. Although different from my project, I always feel a kinship to street photographers – my cousins.

