Tara and Lindsey (#250) 03-21-13

I found a new place to look for strangers. It has the two necessary ingredients for success – nice light for the subject, and a coffee shop for me. Pedestrian traffic is not very heavy, so I have to get myself psyched up as I arrive. If I let an interesting looking stranger go by without asking, I might not get another chance for a while.

So when I spotted two young ladies 50 yards away, I did not tarry. While I explained the 100 Strangers project, Tara began to smile – I knew that this would work. Her friend Lindsey was much more reticent. I am not sure if she would have allowed a photograph, had she been alone. That is a good point of finding potential strangers in pairs – if one says OK, the other will usually follow.

So Tara agreed, but said that I would have to be quick. No problem! I photographed Lindsey first, and she had clearly warmed up to the idea. As usual, I asked her to NOT 'say cheese'.

Then, with no prompting, Tara assumed this gesture.

I got a dozen shots over several seconds, and she had this head tilt in each one. Methinks that Tara has seen a camera before ;-).
