While visiting Macon Ga, my wife and I took a walk around Mercer University. A couple of hours later, I was stranger hunting, downtown. I saw a young couple photographing each other with cell phones in front of a museum. So, I made my move.
Immediately Rob said, "So, we meet again". What? He said that he had seen me in the Mercer University Student Union that morning. Wow, Macon isn't THAT small. But he and Ashley obliged. Each are Mercer students, and from Atlanta, 75 miles away. Neither was at all interested in seeing the images or taking my card. :-(
I was a bit surprised that Ashley agreed in the first place. She had a nasty cold sore on her lower lip that was surely very temporary. Most women won't allow a photograph when they are not looking their best. I cloned it away in Photoshop. My feeling is that sores, scabs and pimples are transient, and I am comfortable removing them. Moles, birthmarks and wrinkles stay - they are a permanent feature of the person.