Dorothy (#189) 01-14-13

Dorothy was waking toward me on a busy sidewalk. She did not look up, as she seemed to be having difficulty using her walker. A few minutes later, she was sitting on a bench, so I approached her, asked a favor, and described the 100 Strangers project. She laughed and said, "Me?" I said sure, and struck up a conversation for the next 10 minutes.

Dorothy's family had five members who owned a total of 10 retail stores, on a river in Punta Gorda, FL. When Hurricane Charlie hit the area in 2004, miraculously none of the stores had water damage. But the owners got scared, and all moved from the area within two years. Now one daughter owns a dress shop within 100 feet of where we were speaking.

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When I finally brought up the camera, she said that she was lucky that her late husband's eyesight was so poor, he couldn't see all of her wrinkles.

Such a delightful lady.
