Driving on a street near my home, I saw a man sitting on a bench; he had white hair with a tiny pony tail. This kind of thing made me think that he was making a statement, and such people are often open to being photographed. So I quickly found a parking spot and approached him, and sure enough he had no reservations.
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I asked if he worked nearby, and he pointed to a small retail shop and said, “that’s mine”.
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Geno has had four retail stores in the area over the past 20 years. I told him that when I hear that name, I think of it being Italian, and spelled Gino. Actually his name is Eugene, and Geno is a nickname. I said that Gino’s sounds like a pizza place. He said that he never sold pizza, but he did have a deli in Maryland before he moved to Florida.
Eugene doesn’t let grass grow under his feet!