Jan (#172) 12-24-12

I used to subscribe to Kelby Training, which provides educational videos on all topics photography. One series by wedding photographer Cliff Mautner has stuck with me. It is about recognizing qualities of light, and photographic techniques to take advantage of them. One location in his videos was an outdoor hallway with a high arched ceiling, which provided reflected light in almost all directions. I have been on the lookout for such a spot, and found a candidate in Savannah. River Street runs through a “tunnel”, partly bordered by a Hyatt hotel. Using the philosophy of “build the stage and the players will come”, I waited.

And along came Laurel and Jan, visiting from Minnesota. They agreed. We were near the “mouth” of the tunnel and the background was darker than in the Mautner video.

      (click to enlarge)

Still, I like this light on Jan.

Well, tomorrow is a day off. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
